chic style in a sensible manner

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Stylist Tips: Unpacking

This week I'm in transition from one trip to another. I know, first world problems. To be unpacked, laundered, and sorted: 2 children's camp trunks (for a month of camp each) plus sheets, 2 mission trip bags, several sleeping bags, and 5 pieces of beach luggage and towels. Here are my tips to avoid procrastination:

*Get the luggage to the person's room to whom it belongs (i.e. do not leave in foyer for days). That way any clean items can go straight back into closets and drawers. And just maybe, you can get the kids to help!! 

*Start unpacking as soon as possible. Ideally, devote the first hour after you arrive home. If not, you will end up rummaging through the packed bags and walking around them. 

*Pull out the contents of the bags onto a made-up bed. Then you are forced to sort and deal with it before you can go to sleep!! Otherwise the bag can sit unpacked on the floor for days!!

*Go ahead and start the laundry!! This cannot be emphasized enough.
What girl would not love this camp trunk?!?

**Now if I can only continue to practice what I preach. Wish me luck!!**


  1. good luck. laundry is my nemesis

  2. Seriously! The camp laundry is still going, even with a maximum capacity washer and dryer! I thinks it the towels and blankets that get me!!
